Where the inspiration stemmed from...
Ravish Sands Swimwear was the creation of Jessie R. Becker in the beginning of 2010. Life's hardships lead her to create her line of unique and exclusive swimwear combinations. This recent bikini shoot was design and dedicated to her little brother Sean that passed away two years ago, this coming October. Jessie said, "For my family the birds, butterflies, and flowers are very symbolic and this was a way I get to show them no matter how much time passes, our lost loved ones live on in our hearts forever."
"Thanks to Michael Falco (www.michaelfalco.com) for the amazing talent in photography my vision was executed!"
" I felt beautiful and lucky that the amazing hair and makeup artist Elke G. of the Academy of Glam gave me her time and made me shine!"
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Leanring a ton from these neat articles.
— Kamron