So grateful for so many amazing competitors AND coaches that rep Ravish Sands competition bikinis
- I can't thank everyone enough for the continued support. We are so honored to make so many ladies shine on stage by making their custom crystalized stage bikinis. It's so neat working with all body types, shapes and size, and really cool to see everything as small as a mini micro cheeky to midcoverage cheeky fit each individual girl like a glove. We continually update our styles to stay hip and ahead of our times to deliver quality, unique, head turning custom competition bikinis, swimwear, activewear, themewear, figure suits, and more. We love you all! Even the difficult gals that help make our company better by tweaking those details at time of need. Thank you EVERYONE. WE LOVE YOU!!! And A big shout out to ALL THE AMAZING COACHES AND TEAMS THAT TRUST IN US TO MAKE THEIR GIRLS SHINE!!!
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